Sunday, July 26, 2009

LESSON 15-Sanitation & Cleanliness in the Farm

Guideposts For Keeping the Farm Clean & Sanitary:
1. Select young-disease free stocks.
2. If old poultry houses or pigpens will be used,clean it very well & sanitize the area & the things in
3. Disinfect the animal houses.
4. Disinfect all the tools & equipment.
5. Animals should be confined( for safety ).
6. Vaccination or medicine may be administered to the flock or herd.

LESSON 14-Feeds and Feeding the Animals

*Feeds-the most expensive factor in feeding the animals.

Feeds for the laying Flock:
1. Starter Mash-feeds for young chicken 1 day to 6 weeks old.
2. Chick Grower Mash-feeds for growing chicks 6 t0 12 weeks old.
3. Pullet Developer Mash-feeds to pullet 12 to 18 weeks old.(14% protein)
4. Layer Mash-for layer of egg for market.(17% to 18% protein)

Chart of Total Feed Consumption For Broilers
Age of | Average | Weekly Feed | Type Of
Chick | Weight (g)| Consumption | Food
1-7 | 74 | 85 | Broiler
8-14 | 154 | 125 | Starter
15-21 | 269 | 225 | Starter
22-28 | 423 | 348 | Starter
29-35 | 628 | 429 | Starter
36-42 | 868 | 837 | Broiler
43-49 | 1123 | 723 | Finish
50-60 | 1384 | 890 | Finish

Lesson 13-Housing Fixtures & Equipment for Animal Production

Types of Shelter:
1. Range type-chickens are left to roam in a wide area.
2. Semi-Confinement-chickens are provided with a yard.
3. Complete Confinement-chickens are confined in a permanent or semi-permanent poultry houses
or sheds.

Equipment & Fixtures for Poultry:
1. Perches or Roost-a hanging fixture made of bamboo or light weight materials.
2. Nest-clean,dry hay or straw.
3. Feeding trough-container made of bamboo or metal for animal feeds.
4. Waterer or drinking troughs-containers made of bamboo tubes,plastic jars or metals for water.
5. Dropping Board-galvanized trays,sacks or newspapers for manure.

Hog Equipment:
1. Portable or built-in concrete feeders for pig foods.
2. Scraper-to scrape hog manure.
3.Pail-to carry water.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lesson 12-Breeds of Swine

*Swine-a term used to refer to pigs.
3 Swine Raising Projects common in the Philippines:
1. Swine breeding project-to produce parent stock.
2. Farrow to Weanling piggery project-sells piglets or weanlings no longer nursing from sow.
3. Hog fattening project-for fattening pigs to be sold upon reaching marketable age.

Types of Breeds to Raise:
1. Lard or Ham type-mostly came from U.S.A.
a.)Duroc Jersey-came from New Jersey.
-color is dark red with shades of golden yellow.
-good milk producer & a good mother.
b.)Hampshire-color is black with white bond.
-originated from Kentucky.
-has short legs.
-hind legs & tail is black.
-erect ears.
c.)Poland China-from China.
-breeds of Chester white & Berkshire.
-color is black with 6 white spots all over the face,feet & tip of the tail.
-thick flesh.
d.)Spotted Poland China-similar to Poland China.
-50% black & 50% white in color.
e.)Chester White-from Pennsylvania.
-has white hair & skin.
-can weight from 900 lbs. or more.
f.)Hereford-has white head & ears.
-the rest of the body is light or dark red.
2. Bacon type
a.)Zamworth-color is dark red.
-long ,narrow,snout,erect ears.
-long,narrow,smooth sides of the body.
-strong back & shoulders.
b.)Yorkshire-native of Northern England.
-commonly raised in Canada,England,& Ireland.
-color is white with small black spots & large ears.
c.)Danish Landrace-from Denmark.
-has white hair & skin like Chester white.
-much large ears.
-flat & low back.
3. Intermediate type
a.)Berkjala-developed from UP College of Agriculture Los Banos.
-crossbreeds of native Jala-jala of Rizal & Berkshire stock.
b.)Crossbreeds-pigs produced by means of mating different breeds.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

LESSON 11-Poultry Raising

*Poultry-a collective term for domesticated fowls like chicken,ducks,geese,quails,pigeons and turkeys.

Types of Chicken to raise:
1. Egg type-egg producer.
Ex. White Leghorn
2. Meat type- are grown for their meat value.
Ex. Cobb,Arbor Acres,Hubbard,Vantress & Peterson
3. Dual type- both egg & meat producer.
Ex. Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island, New Hampshire,& Wyandotte.

Types of Ducks to raise:
1. Fancy type-for show or exhibition purposes.
Ex. Peking duck
2. Egg type-are good layers.
Ex. Mallard duck ( itik )
3. Dual purpose-raised both for their egg & meat value.
Ex. Muscovy duck (Pato )

Factors in Selecting Breeds of Poultry:
1. Characteristics of breed-resistance to pest and diseases.
2. Age-layers are most productive on the 2nd & 3rd year that they are raised.
3. Vitality-capability of the layer to lay eggs that will become healthy & vigorous chicken.
4. Activity-rise early and roost at night.
5. Sexual character-feminity of Hens and masculinity of Roosters.
6. Conformation- body capacity and built of the Hen.( broad back & long wide flat body)
7. Feathers- layers should have fine closely feathered body & smooth skin.
8. Handling Quality- Hens with loose & pliable skin are good to raise.

LESSON 10-Prospects of Poultry & Livestock Raising

Benefits derived from Farm Animal Production:
1. Poultry production is a potential business opportunity.
2. Swine production provides fast return of investments.
3. Cattle raising does not require much attention.
4. Goat raising is becoming a profitable business.
5. Rabbit raising is gaining popularity because of it's meat & skin.

Ideal Sites for Animal Production:
1. Choose a place that is accessible to markets.
2. Farm must be near roads & market.
3. Availability of good breed, strain of stocks, good quality & reasonably cheap feeds & food supplements.
4. The land must be well drained.
5. There should have enough space for future expansion.
6. Population of the community & future prospects for demand.

LESSON 9-Harvesting & Marketing

*HARVESTING-the process of collecting produced crops.

Factors to consider before,during & after Harvest:
1. Gather vegetables in the morning.
2. Harvesting should be done with care so as not to damage,bruise or slash any part of the vegetable.
3. Root crops should be washed after they had been harvested.
4. Harvest at the time they are to be sold to maintain the nutritional value & crispiness.

Post-Harvest Handling Processes:
1. Cleaning and washing.
2. Drying-through sun,air & heat.
3. Grading-according to their condition,shape,size,ripeness and color.
4. Storing-preserving the harvest.

Marketing Farm Products:
*Marketing-the process of buying & selling products.
1. Wholesale-sold to direct buyers who pays for all the farm produce at an agreed price.
2. Direct selling to consumers-the farmers produces,transports,sells directly to consumers & collects all the profit from his products.
3. Selling to Cooperatives-farmers form a cooperative & pool their produce.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Types of Plant Enemies:
1. Pests & Insects
2 kinds:
a.) Chewing insects-bites -off portion of plants and swallow them up.
b.) Sucking insects- have tube-like sucking mouths used to suck plant juice.
2. Plant Diseases- refers to presence of pathogens & microorganisms in a normal plant & affects the normal functioning of a plant which can be seen through symptoms.

Types of Microorganisms which causes Diseases:
1. Bacteria-tiny living plants that can only be seen through microscope.
2. Fungi-spongy low plant form that grows on or within the tissue of host plant.
Ex. mildew,smuts & molds.
3.Viruses- a group of living microorganisms that causes infectious disease to its host either plant or animal.
4. Nematodes- all kinds of worms that feeds on plants.

Controlling Pest & Diseases:
1. Spray chemicals to kill both pests & infectious disease.
2. Burn infected plants.
3. Practice proper soil management.
4. Treat seeds with heat before planting them.
5.Prepare plants for planting in such a way that soil-borne pathogens are killed.

Safety Precautions in Spraying Chemicals:
1. Read manufacturers directions before using the chemicals.
2. Avoid being contact with chemicals especially the skin & eyes.
3. Avoid inhaling the chemicals.
4. Dispose the empty containers of chemicals properly.Spray cans must be cleaned after use.


Soil-the great storehouse of plant food
Fertilizers-are substances such as PNK that increase soil fertility.

3 Major Elements in the soil:
1. Nitrogen(N)-improves the vegetative growth of plants.
2.Phosphorous(P)- hastens plant maturity,strengthens the stems and stimulate the development of fruits.
3.Potassium(K)-strengthens the stem of plants and develop their resistance to plant diseases.

Kinds of Fertilizers:
1. Inorganic Fertilizer-complete or incomplete.
-commercial fertilizer(PNK).
2.Organic Fertilizer-are taken from decayed plants and animal wastes,including manures,leaf mold,hay and similar wastes materials.

Sources of Organic Fertilizer:
1. Animal manure-ex. Guano(bats & bird manure)
2. Green manure-ex. legumes
3. Compost- decomposed manure,plant parts,rice hulls,weeds & other organic matter.

2 Common Methods of Composting:
1. Compost Pit Method- digging a rectangular pit.
2. Compost Heap Method-organic matters are piled on top of eachother until it reaches 1 meter.

Methods of Applying Fertilizers:
1. Band Application-by digging furrows under or beside the plants.
2. Broadcast Method-scattered in the field in all directions by hand or machine.
3. Foliar Application-is done by spraying on the leaves or foliage of the plants.
4.Row Application-by digging furrows under the plants in rows.