Properties of Color:
1.Primary color-original colors Red,Yellow & Blue.
2.Secondary color-combination of 2 primary colors results are Orange,Violet & Green.
3.Intermediate/Tertiary color-combination of primary & secondary colors such as:Yellow orange,Yellow Green,Blue Green,Blue Violet,Red Violet,Red Orange.
Dimension of Colors:
1.Hue-name of a color & the position of the color in the color wheel.
2. Color Wheel-colors of the visible spectrum made up of primary & other color combinations.
3. Intensity of colors-degree of brightness & dullness of a color.
Ex. Scarlet red(intense red)
Old rose(little redness)
Pink(Diluted red)
4. Value of color-degree of lightness & darkness of a color.
Ex. Maroon(dark red)
Pink(light red)
Warm colors-are advancing colors because they appear nearer to you.They resemble the color of fire & sun.(red,yellow & orange)
Cool colors-are receding colors.They resemble the color of oceans,rice fields,sky & other things of nature.(blue,violet & green)
Color Harmonies:
1)Related color Harmonies-colors near eachother in the color wheel.
A.Monochromatic color harmony-uses 1 color with different values & intensity.
Ex. Dark blue,medium blue,light blue.
B.Analogous-made up of 2 or more colors near eachother the color wheel.
Ex. red,red orange,red violet.
2)Contrasting color Harmonies-colors situated far from eachother in the color wheel.
A.Complimentary colors-2 colors opposite eachother in the color wheel.
Ex. red & green
B.Split complimentary-1 primary color & 2 intermediate colors.
Ex. red,blue green & yellow green
C.Triad-3 colors that form equilateral triangle in the color wheel.
Ex. orange,green,& violet
D.Accented neutral-gray,black,brown,cream & other bright colors are used as an accent.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Lesson 55-Colors
Posted by Jessa at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Colors
Lesson 54-Elements of Arts
A.Line-a long,thin stroke on a surface.It creates beauty & provides a sense of directions,movements & convey feelings & emotions.
a)Vertical lines-suggest height & dignity.
b)Horizontal lines-feelings of security,stability,calmness & repose.
c)Diagonal lines-suggest actions & movements.
d)Curve lines-suggest rhythm & grace.
B.Form & Space-form is a line with 3 dimensions such as depth,shape & weight.Form is the line-
which enclosed a space. The space depended It can be rough,smooth,dull or shiny.
C.Texture-surface feels of an object.It can be rough,smooth,dull or shiny.
D.Colors-main key to any decorations.It gives life to a room.
Posted by Jessa at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Arts
Lesson 53-Solution to Housing Problems
1. Built-in Cabinets.
2. Double Purpose Furnitures.
3. Curtains & Dividers are used to make additional rooms.
4. Putting up Grills on windows for safety & security.
5. Personal hygiene & sanitation to make our body healthy.
6. Proper disposal of garbage & waste materials.
7. Application of the Principles of Design.
8. Knowledge about Family Planning.
9. Cleanliness & Orderliness of the home & surroundings.
10.Government agencies help solve the problems of housing such as:
a.NHA-National Housing Authority-assist all problems about housing.
b.GSIS-Government Service Insurance System-gives housing loans to government employees.
c.SSS-Social Security System-gives housing loans to private employees.
d.DOH-Department of Health-takes charge of the health condition of the people.
e.DepEd-Department of Education-gives informations about Family Planning.
f.PAG-IBIG-Pagtutulungan,Ikaw,Bangko,Industriya,at Gobyerno-extends houding loans both to government & private employees.
Posted by Jessa at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Solves Housing Problems
Lesson 52- Causes & Effects of Housing Problems
1. Migration-people in the provinces keep on coming to the cities.
2. Industrialization-modernization.
3. Poverty due to Unemployment-cost of housing rentals & construction materials are so high,families usually end up in squatters area.
4. Laziness-contented in building shacks made up of lighter materials.
5. Lask of knowledge about Family Planning-increasing population.
Posted by Jessa at 3:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Housing problems
Lesson 51-Housing Problems
1. Lack of space to build houses.
2. Overcrowding/congestion.
3. Increase in numbers of squatters.
4. Inadequate water & electricity supplies.
5. Lack of space provided for physical needs of the family.
6.Poor lighting & ventilation.
7. Poor quality but high cost of construction materials used.
8. High cost of house rentals.
9. Lack of furnitures & furnishings.
Problems related to Housing:
1. Population Explosion-population increases rapidly in cities & municipalities.
2. Pollution-more people,more houses & more garbages are produced.
3. Poor health & Sanitation-widespread of communicable diseases.
Posted by Jessa at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Problems about Housing
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Lesson 50-Kinds of Houses
1. Nipa hut-temporary house made of bamboo & nipa leaves.
2. Bungalow-1 storied house with low-pitched roof.
3. Duplex-single-structure divided for 2 houses under 1 roof.
4. Apartment-a building containing separate residential units.
5. Condominium-individual ownership of a unit in a multi-unit building.
6. Townhouse-or a row house;usually a single family house of 2 or 3 stories connected by a common side wall.
7. Split-Level-a house divided vertically so that the floor level of 1 room is midway between 2 successive stories in an adjacent part.
8. 2-Storey House-consisting of 2 floor levels.
9. Mansion-a large imposing residential structure.
Posted by Jessa at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Houses
Lesson 49-Adequate Housing
Functions of a House:
1. A place where love,joy,& sorrow are shared.
2. Serves as training ground for younger children.
3. A place for shelter & protection.
4. A place where we can sleep,eat,take a bath & do other daily activities.
5. A place for privacy & security.
6. A place where we find peacefulness & rest.
7. A place for comfort & convenience.
The Difference between a House & a Home:
1. House-a building where one lives.
-physical structure.
-a shelter to live in.
2. Home-also a shelter but they create a home when people lives harmoniously.
Requirements of an adequate House:
1.Adequate water supply.
2. Enough electrical supply.
3. Well maintained rooms.
4. Comfortable furnitures & furnishings.
5. Good drainage system.
6. Well built doors,floors,walls,roof,stairs & windows.
Posted by Jessa at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Housing
Lesson 48-Wholesome Family Recreational Activities
Recreational Activities-refreshes our strengths & spirits after work.
1. Indoor Activities-done inside the house.
Board games
Watching tv,dvd
Singing/playing musical instruments.
Reading stories
2. Outdoor Activities-done outside the house.
Window Shopping
Dinner in the restaurant
Ballroom Dancing
Playing Volleyball
Jogging & playing tennis
Posted by Jessa at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recreational Activites
Lesson 47-Unexpected Situations
1. Change of Residence-moving to another place.
2. Loss of Economic Support-lost of a family member who act as a breadwinner.
3. Natural Calamity-like earthquakes,floods,typhoons,fire,landslides that causes lost of lives & properties.
4. Illness in the family-a disease that needs long treatment & medication.
5. Overstay of Unexpected guests-conflicts arises because of it.
6. Death in the Family-no medicine for it.
Posted by Jessa at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Situations
Lesson 46-Key Qualities to Successful Family Life
1. Concern-doing something for the interest & welfare of others.
2. Cooperation-working together,helping one another.
3. Communication-talking & listening.
4. Consideration-kind treatment to members without expecting anything in return.
5. Obedience-submissive to person in authority.
6. Confidence-trust upon something.
7. Courtesy-polite behavior.
8. Respect-show high regards to older family members.
9. Loyalty-faithfulness devoted to family.
10.Companionship-enjoying eachother's company.
12.Sense of Responsibility-able to do their duties without being told.
13.Love,Care & Affection-the greatest key factors to successful family life.
Posted by Jessa at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Key Qualities
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lesson 45-Rights of Children
1. To be born,have a name & nationality.
2. To have a family who will provide Love,Care,& Understanding.
3. To live in a peaceful community & wholesome environment.
4. To have adequate food,proper clothing,adequate shelter,& other basic needs.
5. To obtain good education& develop their potentials.
6. To be given opportunities for play & leisure.
7. To be given protection against abuses,exploitation,neglect violence, & danger.
8. To be depended & given assistance by the government.
9. To be able to express their own views & opinions.
Posted by Jessa at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Childrens Rights
Lesson 44-Role of Family Members
Role-an act,a part or function played by someone.
Role of Father:
1. Head of the family.
2. Breadwinner.
3. Decision-maker.
4. Sets the rules & regulations to follow.
Role of Mother:
1. Supportive of the Father.
2. Cooked,cleans the house & takes good care of her children.
3. Acts as the wise manager of the family income.
4. First teacher of the children.
Role of Children:
1.Primary tasks is to show love & care to parents.
2. Extend your love also to your siblings.
Posted by Jessa at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Roles
lesson 43-Duties & Responsibilities of Children
1. Strive hard to live an upright & virtuous life.
2. Love,respect,& obey your parents & cooperate in the strengthening of your family.
3. Extend to your brothers & sisters your love,thoughtfulness & helpfulness.
4. Exert your utmost to develop your personalities in service in order to become an asset to yourself & to society.
5. Respect your elders & also the customs & traditions of your people.
6. Participate actively in civic affairs & in the promotion of the general welfare.
Posted by Jessa at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Duties of Children
Lesson 42-Responsible Parenthood
Duties & Responsibilities of Parents:
1. To provide children with love,affection,companionship & understanding.
2. To supervise their activities & recreations.
3. To give them moral guidance & religious instructions.
4. To teach their children the value of industry,thrift, & self-reliance.
5. To always set good examples.
6. To provide them with moral & adequate financial support.
Posted by Jessa at 1:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Duties of Parents
Lesson 41-Desirable Filipino Family Values
1. Hospitality-we treat our guests like Kings & Queens.
2. Solidarity-attachment are strong.Our family are united by love,care,& affections.
3. Loyalty-valuing the good name & reputation of the family.
4. Respect-using words like "po" & "opo" & other hand gestures that show respect especially to the elders.
5. Integrity-uprightness of character.Showing dignity & honor.
6. Industry-hardworking.
7. Honesty-telling the truth.
Posted by Jessa at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family Values
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lesson 40-The Filipino Family
Family-a group of individual living under one roof.
Members of the Family:
1. Father or Husband
2. Mother or Wife
3. Children
4. Other Relatives
Types of Family:
A)According to Structural Organization
1. Conjugal-composed of Husband & Wife only.
2. Nuclear-composed of Husband,Wife & Children.
3. Extended-composed of Husband,Wife,Children & other relatives.
B)According to Family Pattern:
1. Authoritarian-ruled by one person.
a)Patriarchal-ruled by Father.
B)Matriarchal-ruled by Mother.
2. Permissive-every member of the family is free to make his/her own decision & there are no standing rules to follow.
3. Democratic-every member has their rights & responsibilities & children take part in decision-making.
Posted by Jessa at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Lesson 39-Setting-Up Goals
Goals-are what you want to be or what you want to achieve in the future.
Types of Goals:
1. Short Range Goals-those that you want to achieve soon.
Example: buy new pair of shoes or watch PBA Live
2. Long Range Goals-those that take longer time to achieve.
Example: to become a Millionaire or to go aroound the world
Posted by Jessa at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Goals
Lesson 38-Desirable Ideals
Values-are ideals,ideas,events,& goals.
Kinds of Values:
1. Spiritual values-that help us to relate to GOD.
Example: going to church
2. Social values-that enables us to relate well to other people.
Example: Friendly,helpful,sportsmanship
3. Cultural values-that have been passed to us by our forefathers.
Example: Fiestas,Bayanihan
4. Moral values-that help us to make decisions & right choices in life.
Example: kind,understanding,industrious & other good traits
Posted by Jessa at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Values
Lesson 37-Strenghts & Weaknesses
Strenght-the state of being physically & mentally strong.
talents,potentials,exceptional qualities & good traits.
Weaknesses-a failing in person's character which includes undesirable traits.
Personality-constitute the total self of a person that made up his physical,intellectual,moral,&spiritual traits.
Posted by Jessa at 3:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Strenght/weakness
Lesson 36-Sound Outlook in Life
Outlook-a view from a place/Point of view.
Philosophy-an outlook in life that guides the behavior of an individual.
Factors that Influence One's Outlook in Life:
1. Family-greatly influenced one's philosophy.
2. Experiences-is the best teacher of lessons in life.
3. Customs & Traditions-values,beliefs,& habits from our ancestors.
4. Learning Materials-from books,magazines,tv,radio,computers & other materials.
5. Religion-our belief that there is a GOD who help & guide us create our positive outlook in life.
Posted by Jessa at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Philosophy
Friday, October 23, 2009
Lesson 35-Indigeneous Materials
1. Bamboo-common material for house construction & furnitures.
a.)Spiny Bamboo-largest bamboo.
b.)Kiling-without spines.
c.)Bikal-climbing specie of bamboo.
d.)Bayug-tall with slender stalks forming large clumps.
e.)Bulo-has long thin internodes. Rough,brittle skin.For walls of Nipa huts, Cottages,Fences,Rice Bins & Baskets.
2. Rattan Craft-it climbs & has single stem without branches. Common species are Sica,Palanan & Oway.
3. Seashell Crafts
Common Seashells For Handicrafts:
a.) Giant Clam-largest seashell.
b.) Kapis-commonly used for window sashes.
Other Types:
1. Pearl Shells
2. Ark Shells
3. Gastropod
4. Kabibi
5. Pilipit
6. Balay
7. Gakla
8. Tulla
1. Hard & Brittle
2. Colorful & attractive
3. Smooth,shiny & pearl like surface
4. Variety of shapes & sizes
5. Most shells are easily broken
4. Leather Craft-processed animal skin.
1. Pigskin
2. Calf skin
3. Lamb skin
4. Steer hide
5. Ostrich
6. Morocco
7. Alligator
Machines that facilitates Animal Skin:
1. Unhairing machine
2. Splitting machine-for uniform thickness of leather.
3. Staking machine-to compress the leather.
4.Smoothing machine
5. Finishing machine
Posted by Jessa at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Lesson 34-Supplies & Accessories Used in Handicrafts
1. Fastening Materials
a)Nails-to fasten 2 or more pieces of lumber,bamboo,or rattan.
1. Common Nails-for rough construction work.
2. Finishing Nails-for cabinets,tables & other furnitures.
3. Box Nails-for box construction.
4. Brad Nails-for small furnitures.
b)Screws-have slots where flat or phillips head screw drivers are fitted.
c)Hinges-to attach windows & doors while the small ones for small handicrafts.
2. Finishing Materials-to add beauty to any project.
1. Paints
2 kinds:
a.)Water based-for concrete & other materials.
b.)Enamel Paint-for wood,metal & other materials.
c.)Stains-transparent finishing materials to improve the appearance of wood surface.
d.)Varnish-excellent material to improve appearance of wood surface.
e.)Sandpaper-to smooth wood surface,rattan,metal,coconut shell,etc.
3. Adhesives
1. Glue-powder or liquid form.
2. Rugby-made of synthetic resins for leather craft like shoes & slippers.
3. Rubber Cement-for leather & upholstery.
4. Epoxy-excellent for gluing light materials for plastic.
Posted by Jessa at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Handicraft Accessories
Lesson 33-Handtools Used in Handicraft Industry
Other Handtools:
1. Skinning knife-to thin the edges of thick leather.
2. beveler-to level edges of a design in a leather.
3. Blowtorch-to secure intense local heat.For Rattan.
4. Shader-to remove outer skin of bamboo.
5. Width Sizer-to size bamboo splints.
6. Tin Shear( Snips)-to cut tins.
7. Soldering Copper-a soldering tool heated with a charcoal.
Posted by Jessa at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hadicraft Tools
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lesson 32-Project Planning
Factors to be considered in Project Planning:
1. Usefulness-needed & intention
2. Design-sales appeal & sales potential
3. Size-proper size
4. Kind of Wood
Pictorial Sketch-drawing of the design.
Working Drawing-shapes & dimensions of objects.
Bill of Materials-gives the size & kind of lumber, & other materials needed.The cost & complete materials guides in constructing the project.
List of Procedures-Step by step
List of Tools & Equipment-the things needed
a. Criteria for rating
b. Weight of each criteria
c.Student's Rating
d.Teacher's Rating
Posted by Jessa at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Project Planning
Lesson 31-Wood Finishing
Preparing the Wood Surface:
1. Sanding-a way of smoothing the surface of stock with abrasive.
2. Repairing Defects
a. Pin Holes-commonly caused by small insects while big holes caused by woodborers.
b. Cracks & Checks-opening a long the grain of wood.
c. Dents-shallow depression caused by faulty hammering,faulty clamping or caused by falling heavy objects.
3. Applying Wood Stain
a. Water Stain-dissolve powder dye in water.It penetrates deeply & raise the wood grain.
b. Oil Stain-made by dissolving in oil.Much easier to use because it takes longer time to dry.
c. Spirit Stain-dissolve anilyne dye in alcohol.Difficult to apply because it dries up quickly.
4. Applying Wood Filler & Sanding Filler
a. Paste Filler
b.Liquid Filler-used on non-close grained wood.It is paste thinned turpentine.
c.Sealers-finishes used as the base coat to fill the pores of close grained wood.
5. Applying Varnish-a varnish is a finishing material to beautify & preserve wood because it is tough,waterproof & heat resistant.
Posted by Jessa at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wood Finishing
Lesson 30-Wood Joints
1. Butt joint-simplest type of wood joint but it is weak.
2.Rabbet joint-L-shaped recess at the end or along the edge of a board.
3. Dado joint-to support shelves or drawers,bookcases & step ladders.
4. Miter joint-where 2 pieces of wood make a right angle usually used in making picture frame.
5. Lap joint-where 1/2 of the thickness or width of each member is removed.
a. End lap
b. Middle lap
c. Cross lap
6. Mortise & Tenon joint-consist of a rectangular recess(mortise) into which fits a rectangular projection(tenon). Exceptionally strong when accurately made.
a. Blind-hidden
b. Through-partially exposed
7. Dovetail joint-a wedge -shaped projections,shaped like a dove's tail.Usually for drawer construction.
Posted by Jessa at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wood Joints
Friday, October 2, 2009
Lesson 29-Woodworking Handtools
A. Measuring Tools:
1. Pull Push Rule-to measure inside diameter of things.
2. Foot Rule/Bench Rule-to measure short distances.
3. Zigzag Rule(Folding Rule)-to measure longer stock when very exact measurements are not too important.
B. Testing Tools:
1. Try Square-for squaring,measuring & testing. To check squareness of surfaces & edges of wood.
2. Combination Square-can be used as a try square,depth gauge & level.
3. Steel Square-also called a framing square. For measuring & laying out.
4. Sliding T-Bevel-to layout & test all angles other than 90 degrees & 45degrees.
5. Calipers
2 Kinds:
a. Outside Caliper-to measure outside diameter.
b. Inside Caliper-to measure inside diameter.
6. Plumb Bob-to get true vertical alignment of woodwork.
7. Spirit Level-to check the vertical or horizontal alignment of wood or masonry work.
C. Lining Tools:
1.Pencil-common lining tool.
2. Scratch Awl-to mark center of holes to be drilled or bored. To punch pilot holes for screws in soft wood..
3. Divider-to scribe arcs circles & step-off distances & find centers.
4. Marking Gauge-to mark line parallel with the edge or face of wood.Used when the distances is less than 6".
5. Chalk Line-to mark long,straight lines with chalk dust,oil or ink. To be used when ripping.
D. Tooth Cutting Tools:
1. Ripsaw-to cut with the grain or cuts on the push stroke.
2. Cross cut saw-used to saw across the grain of wood.
3. Back saw-to make fine accurate cuts.
4. Compass saw-for cutting interior curves when coping saw cannot be used.
5. Coping saw-used to cut curves on thin pieces of woods such as plywood.
6. Hacksaw-for cutting metals. For woodworking for cutting nails, bolts & the like.
E. Edge-Cutting Tools:
1. Plane-for smoothening wood surfaces & edges.
2 Types:
a. The Wooden Plane
b. Iron Plane
2. Chisel-for cutting & shaping
2 Gen.Types:
a. Socket Chisel
b. Tang Chisel
3. Spokeshave-much like a simple plane.
2 Kinds:
a. Curve Spokeshave-to form concave edges.
b. Flat Spokeshave-to plane convex edges.
F. Driving Tools:
1. Claw Hammer-for driving & pulling out nails.
2. Mallet- for driving chisels.
3. Screw Driver-for driving & loosening screws.
2 Types:
a. The Flat Head screw
b. Phillips Head screw
4. Nail Set-used for setting nails below the wood surface.
5. Wrench-used to tighten & loosen bolts in wood.
G. Boring Tools:
1. Auger Bit-the most common boring tool.
2. Drill Bit-it is fitted into a hand drill.
3. Expansive Bit-used to bore a hole larger than 1". It is available with cutters to bore holes from 1-4 inches in diameter.
H. Holding Tools:
1. Bar Clamp-used for large work such as gluing wide boards edge to edge.
2. C-Clamp-to clamp wood face to face,for repair work & for holding parts together.
3. Hand Screw-for gluing face to face,for clamping small parts,& for holding as it is cut or formed. Used for finished surfaces.
4. Hand Drill-to hold straight shank bits up to 1/2" in diameter.
5. Ratchet Brace-is used for holding bits with a square tang.
I.Sharpening Tools:
1. Triangular File-used for sharpening saw & auger bits.
2. Oil Stone-to sharpen edge-cutting-tools like chisels & plane blades.
3. Grindstone-usually power-driven. Used when the cutting-edge of plane iron is nicked or worn-out.
Posted by Jessa at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Woodworking Handtools
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Lesson 28-General Safety Practices
General Safety Rules:
1. Always keep the shop clean & orderly.
2. All materials & tools must be stored in appropriate areas of the shop.
3. Remove all obstructions when working.
4. Avoid running & making jokes while working.
5. Handle edge-cutting tools properly & carefully.
6. Always keep your hands free from oil & grease.
7. The work area must be well lighted.
8. Handle finishing materials carefully & close chemical containers immediately after using.
9. Always keep your eyes & mind focused on what you're doing.
10. Make a practice to always remind your classmates/co-workers not to violate safety rules in the shop.
11. It is also a safety practice to always help your classmates/colleagues if necessary.Be thoughtful.
12. Report all injuries immediately to your teacher.
13. Smoking in the shop is strictly prohibited.
14. Display safety precaution signs& charts in the shop.
Posted by Jessa at 1:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Lesson 27-Orthographic Sketching
* Orthographic Drawing-is the process of representing the exact size & shape of an object in 2 or more views as they are seen perpendicularly from it's surfaces.
6 Principal Views of an Object:
1. Top View
2. Front View
3. Right Side View
4. Left Side View
5. Back/Rear Viiew
6. Bottom View
Guidelines in Orthographic Projection:
1. Locate the center of your drawing paper & draw vertical & horizontal axis.
2. Draw the Front View at the lower left quadrant.
3. Draw the Top View at the upper left quadrant above the Front View.
4. Draw the Right Side View at the lower right quadrant beside the Front View.
5. The Front View is the same as the Top View.
6. The height of the Front View is the same as the Right Side View.
7. The width of the Top View is the same as the Right Side View.
8. The nearest edges of the views to the 2 axes is about 3/4".
9. For accuracy,use projection lines.
10. Use 45 deg.triangle to project the Top View to Right Side View.
11. Dimension lines are placed between views.
12. Names of views are written outside the views.
Posted by Jessa at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Orthographic Drawing
Lesson 26-Pictorial Sketching
Posted by Jessa at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pictorial Drawing
Lesson 25-Freehand Drawing
Posted by Jessa at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Freehand Sketches
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Lesson 24-Mensuration
2 Systems of Measurement:
1. English System
2. Metric System
The English System of Measurement
*Symbols used in the English System
*English System Equivalent
1 foot=12 inches
1 yard=3 feet
1 yard=36 inches
1 mile=4,860 feet
1 mile=1,620 yards
The Metric System of Measurement
*Symbols in the Metric System
* Metric System Equivalent
1 cm=10mm
1 dm=10 cm=100mm
1 m=10 dm=100cm=1,000mm
1 km=1,000m=10,000dm=100,000cm=1,000,000 mm
Posted by Jessa at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Measurements
Lesson23-Alphabets of Lines
*Drafting-is a language of lines & symbols.
Classifications of Lines according to Use:
1. Borderlines-it surrounds a drawing.
2. Visible or Object Lines-it represents the visible edges of an object.
3. Hidden Lines-it represents the hidden features of an object.
4. Center Line-it represents the axis or center of objects with symmetrical shapes.
5. Dimension Lines-it is used to indicate the measurement of an object.
6. Extension Lines-it shows the extent or limit of the measurement.
7. Projection Lines-it projects 1 view to another.And sometimes called extension lines.
8. Leader Line-it indicates the measurement & name of a part.
9. Reference Line-it is used to label the parts of an object.
10. Limiting Line or Long Break Line-it is used to break objects that are very big to be drawn on paper.
Posted by Jessa at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alphabets of Lines
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Lesson 22-Lettering Instruments
1. Leroy-it is used with a pencil guide or template to form the letters.
2. Letter Template-it resembles an ordinary ruler with a series of perforation corresponding to parts of letters & a special pen is used to trace these shapes.
3. Speedball Pen-they are made in 4 different styles of points.Each style is available in different widths,from 0 (largest) to 6 (smallest).
Style A-it has a square nib & is used for square corner Gothic letter.
Style B-it has a round nib & is used for round corner Gothic letter.
Style C-it has a wedge shaped nib & is used for Text & Roman letters.
Style D-it has an oval nib & is used for bold face Roman letters.
4. Letter Transfer-it is by rubbing the letter to be printed on paper,plastic or wood surface. This lettering instrument is the easiest & safest to use because it is a no blot material.
5. Other Lettering Materials-Fountain Pen,Pentel Pen,Lettering Brush,Steadler Pen,Pencil,etc.
Proper Care & Maintenance of Lettering Instruments:
1. Clean the nibs of your speedballpens by soaking it in a cleaning solution,move in circular motion & gently wipe the tip with a cotton rag.
2. Store your pens in an empty glass or any cylindrical container in an upright position. This is done to protect their points from being damaged.
3. Clean your lettering brush with a lacquer thinner if you used it with an enamel paint. If you used it with latex or textile paint, rinse it with plain tap water.
Posted by Jessa at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lettering Instrument
Lesson 21-Single Stroke Gothic Letters,Spacing,Proportioning & Centering Letters
* Single Stroke Gothic- most widely used & accepted style of letters.Common in posters & billboard signs.
4 Groups of Gothic Letters:
1. Single stroke Vertical uppercase letters-JESSA
2. Single stroke Inclined uppercase letters-JESSA
3. Single stroke Vertical lowercase letters-jessa
4. Single stroke Inclined lowercase letters-jessa
Guidelines used in Letterings:
1. Capline___________________
2. Waistline_________________
3. Baseline__________________
4. Dropline__________________
Proportion of Letters:
1. Compressed letters-used if space is limitted/narrow.
2. N o r m a l letters- used if there is enough space.Not too narrow nor too wide.
3. E x p a n d e d letters- used if space is wide.
Spacing of letters:
1. Spacing letters-it is done by the eye.We call it Visual Spacing(tinatantiya lang).
2. Spacing Words-imagine letter O between each word.
3. Spacing Sentences-spaces must be equivalent to 2 capital letter O.
Methods of Centering Titles:
1. Trial & Final Method-it is widely used by skilled drafting students. A light lettering (trial only)is made with a pencil in the space where the title is to be located.Then,in finishing it,necessary adjustments are made so that the letters/titles are properly centered.
2. Scratch paper Method-it is advisable for beginners.The scratch paper is centered over the space where the title is to be printed.
Posted by Jessa at 1:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: More about Lettering
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lesson 20-History & Development of Letters
* Lettering-is the forming of numbers & letters.
-is the written language of industry.
History & Development:
A. 4000 B.C.-Egyptian hieroglyphics(picture writing) is developed.
B. 2000 B.C.-Cursive hieroglyphics(hieratic writing-an Abstract writing) is developed.
C. 1000 B.C.-Phoenicians adapted the hieratic writing & developed an alphabet of 22 letters,19 of which are standard consonants of the present day alphabets.
D. 700 B.C.-Greeks later adapted the Phoenician alphabet. They introduced & developed the vowel letters & uniform writing.
-They contributed 13 letters to the Roman alphabet.
E. 200 B.C.-Romans introduced 23 letters of the present day alphabet. It was divided into 2 styles,the Old Roman & Modern Roman.
F. 19th Century-during the reign of Charlemagne,lower case letters were introduced. They were then called Carolingian letters.
G. 1722-English introduced Formal Script.
H. 1890-English introduced "sans serif"( without spurred endings ),a letter style commonly used by the Printing press.
I. 1945-Americans introduced Cartoon Script.
J. 1960-Automation letter styles were introduced.
4 Basic Letter Styles:
1. Gothic letters-are letters with uniform width & thickness.
2. Roman letters-are letter styles made up of thick & thin elements. It is useful in Newspapers,Magazines & Book Publishing.
3. Script-an artistic style of letters.
-common in Greeting cards,Wedding invitations,& in some Diplomas & Certificates.
4. Text-is the most attractive letter style & is elegant in appearance.
-they are widely used in Certificates & Diplomas.
Posted by Jessa at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: History of Letterings
Lesson 19-Drafting Instruments,Supplies & Equipment
A.Drafting Instruments/Tools:
1. T-square-used as a guide in drawing horizontal lines & also a guide for triangles.
2. Triangles-are used to draw vertical & inclined lines.
2 kinds of triangles:
a.) 45 x 45 degree triangle
b.) 30 x 60 degree triangle
3. Triangular Scale-used to reduce or enlarge the size of objects.
4. French Curve-used to draw various irregular curves.
5. Protractor-to layout an angle or arc.
6.Compass-to draw arcs & circles in pencil or in ink.
7. Divider-to divide lines into several equal parts & for transferring measurements.
8.Erasing Shield-it has irregular holes & is made up of metal.It is used to protect the rest of the drawing when making erasures.
9. Pencil Sharpener-to sharpen pencil points.
10. Pens-for letterings & marking lines.
ex. Technical pens(with ink)
Speedball pens
11. Water color brush-comes in various sizes & made out of animal hair.
B. Drafting Materials/Supplies:
1. Eraser-to remove smears or pencil marks.
2. Pencil-are used for marking lines. They come in various grades of hardness & softness.
ex. H-hard
HB & F-between soft & hard
3. Double adhesive tape
4. Cartolina
5. Masking tape
6. Oslo paper
7. Thumbtacks
8. White glue
9. Illustration board
10. Sandpaper
11. Scotch tape
12. Tracing paper
13. Linen Cartolina
14. Paste
15. Colored paper
16. Paper clips
17. Ink
C. Drafting Equipment:
1. Drawing table-a table with adjustable top. It is where the drawing paper is fastened.
2. Drawing board-may be placed on top of an ordinary table.
Posted by Jessa at 3:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Drawing tools
Sunday, August 2, 2009
LESSON 18-Methods of Fish Capture & Cultivation
Methods of Fish Capture:
1. Handline-a vertical line or pole with a string tied to one end of which is attached a hook. A bait is placed at the end of the hook to attract fish.( to catch tuna,mackerel & other fish).
2. Gillnet-to catch crabs & other fish.( 122 to 1097 cm depth)
3. Spear-thrown by the hand or shot from a gun.(to catch crabs,mudfish,catfish & carp)
4. Salakab-made of bamboo to catch mudfish,catfish,& other freshwater fish.
5. Fish Corrals or Baklad-has compartments & a gate through which the fish enters.
6. Drag Seine or Pukot-made of cloth,nylon netting or sinamay.It has a head rope,ground rope,pull rope,floats,sinkers,& nets & requires a number of persons to use.
Methods of Fish Cultivation:
1. Fishpen method-net enclosures in shallow protected parts of inland water such as lakes & lagoons.
2. Cage method-employed in inland bodies of flowing water.
3. Fishpen method-have either fresh,brackish or marine water.
4. Open Water method-fish is cultivated in bays,coastals,& lagoons(also oysters,mussels & seaweeds is usually done in open water).
Posted by Jessa at 12:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fish Capture
LESSON 17-Preparing a Backyard Fishpond
1. Make a layout.
2. Excavation & construction of the dikes.
3. In constructing a dug-out excavation type backyard fishpond,mud blocks should be piled & arranged carefully without spaces.
4. Predators such as snails,frogs & other carnivorous insects & other animals must be eradicated because they compete the fish for food.
5. Stock the pond by releasing the fry or fingerlings in the water.
6. Apply fishpond fertilizer.
7. Clean the pond.
8.Water management-by filling the pond with 15-20 cm.deep water.
9. Fertilization-initial fertilization of 500 kg./hectare of chicken manure.
Ways of Applying Fertilizers:
a) Spreading fertilizers evenly over the bottom of the pond.( bangus culture)
b) Broadcasting fertilizers( dry or mixed).
c) Platform way of fishpond fertilization is said to be the most effective method of applying inorganic fertilizers.-below the pond surface.
10. Weed control-could be done manually with the use of scythe,bamboo poles & sickles.
11. Destroying the enemies of fish-such as amphibians,reptiles,& mammals.
Ways of Controlling Enemies of Fish:
a) For harmful insects-clean up swamps & grassy areas near the pond.
b) Harmful plants must be removed.
c) Treat the pond with quicklime(as disinfectant & potassium permanganate).
d) Install screens in water inlets to prevent wild fishes to enter the pond.
Posted by Jessa at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fishpond
LESSON 16-Principles & Procedures in Fish Culture
*Fish-most important source of protein.
*Fish Farming-an effort to increase the productivity of fish & other aquatic products in bodies of water inorder to satisfy human needs.
Important Factors to Consider in Fish Culture:
1. The specie must taste good to the consumer.
2. It must be ready for market in a short period.
3. Adaptability to crowded conditions.
4. Fish must be resistant to diseases & parasites.
5. It should not be harmful to it's own kind or other species.
6. The specie must be universal feeder.
7. Plankton & other aquatic plants such as algae must be available.
8. Favorable climate & temperature.
9. Adequate sunlight.
10. Nutrients are available.
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Suitable Site:
1. Size of the fishpond.-minimum of 50 sq.mts. with atleast 1 meter deep.
2. Water supply-clean,flowing water.
3. Type of soil-clay loam,sandy loam or loamy soil.
4. Food supply-corn grits,sorghum,snails,worms,ground fish or animal meat,kitchen leftovers & supplementary feeds.
5. Availability of cheap labor,construction materials & fingerlings.
Posted by Jessa at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fish Culture
Sunday, July 26, 2009
LESSON 15-Sanitation & Cleanliness in the Farm
Guideposts For Keeping the Farm Clean & Sanitary:
1. Select young-disease free stocks.
2. If old poultry houses or pigpens will be used,clean it very well & sanitize the area & the things in
3. Disinfect the animal houses.
4. Disinfect all the tools & equipment.
5. Animals should be confined( for safety ).
6. Vaccination or medicine may be administered to the flock or herd.
Posted by Jessa at 5:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Clean Farm
LESSON 14-Feeds and Feeding the Animals
*Feeds-the most expensive factor in feeding the animals.
Feeds for the laying Flock:
1. Starter Mash-feeds for young chicken 1 day to 6 weeks old.
2. Chick Grower Mash-feeds for growing chicks 6 t0 12 weeks old.
3. Pullet Developer Mash-feeds to pullet 12 to 18 weeks old.(14% protein)
4. Layer Mash-for layer of egg for market.(17% to 18% protein)
Chart of Total Feed Consumption For Broilers
Age of | Average | Weekly Feed | Type Of
Chick | Weight (g)| Consumption | Food
1-7 | 74 | 85 | Broiler
8-14 | 154 | 125 | Starter
15-21 | 269 | 225 | Starter
22-28 | 423 | 348 | Starter
29-35 | 628 | 429 | Starter
36-42 | 868 | 837 | Broiler
43-49 | 1123 | 723 | Finish
50-60 | 1384 | 890 | Finish
Posted by Jessa at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animal Feeds
Lesson 13-Housing Fixtures & Equipment for Animal Production
Types of Shelter:
1. Range type-chickens are left to roam in a wide area.
2. Semi-Confinement-chickens are provided with a yard.
3. Complete Confinement-chickens are confined in a permanent or semi-permanent poultry houses
or sheds.
Equipment & Fixtures for Poultry:
1. Perches or Roost-a hanging fixture made of bamboo or light weight materials.
2. Nest-clean,dry hay or straw.
3. Feeding trough-container made of bamboo or metal for animal feeds.
4. Waterer or drinking troughs-containers made of bamboo tubes,plastic jars or metals for water.
5. Dropping Board-galvanized trays,sacks or newspapers for manure.
Hog Equipment:
1. Portable or built-in concrete feeders for pig foods.
2. Scraper-to scrape hog manure.
3.Pail-to carry water.
Posted by Jessa at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animal House
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Lesson 12-Breeds of Swine
*Swine-a term used to refer to pigs.
3 Swine Raising Projects common in the Philippines:
1. Swine breeding project-to produce parent stock.
2. Farrow to Weanling piggery project-sells piglets or weanlings no longer nursing from sow.
3. Hog fattening project-for fattening pigs to be sold upon reaching marketable age.
Types of Breeds to Raise:
1. Lard or Ham type-mostly came from U.S.A.
a.)Duroc Jersey-came from New Jersey.
-color is dark red with shades of golden yellow.
-good milk producer & a good mother.
b.)Hampshire-color is black with white bond.
-originated from Kentucky.
-has short legs.
-hind legs & tail is black.
-erect ears.
c.)Poland China-from China.
-breeds of Chester white & Berkshire.
-color is black with 6 white spots all over the face,feet & tip of the tail.
-thick flesh.
d.)Spotted Poland China-similar to Poland China.
-50% black & 50% white in color.
e.)Chester White-from Pennsylvania.
-has white hair & skin.
-can weight from 900 lbs. or more.
f.)Hereford-has white head & ears.
-the rest of the body is light or dark red.
2. Bacon type
a.)Zamworth-color is dark red.
-long ,narrow,snout,erect ears.
-long,narrow,smooth sides of the body.
-strong back & shoulders.
b.)Yorkshire-native of Northern England.
-commonly raised in Canada,England,& Ireland.
-color is white with small black spots & large ears.
c.)Danish Landrace-from Denmark.
-has white hair & skin like Chester white.
-much large ears.
-flat & low back.
3. Intermediate type
a.)Berkjala-developed from UP College of Agriculture Los Banos.
-crossbreeds of native Jala-jala of Rizal & Berkshire stock.
b.)Crossbreeds-pigs produced by means of mating different breeds.
Posted by Jessa at 4:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Swine
Sunday, July 12, 2009
LESSON 11-Poultry Raising
*Poultry-a collective term for domesticated fowls like chicken,ducks,geese,quails,pigeons and turkeys.
Types of Chicken to raise:
1. Egg type-egg producer.
Ex. White Leghorn
2. Meat type- are grown for their meat value.
Ex. Cobb,Arbor Acres,Hubbard,Vantress & Peterson
3. Dual type- both egg & meat producer.
Ex. Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island, New Hampshire,& Wyandotte.
Types of Ducks to raise:
1. Fancy type-for show or exhibition purposes.
Ex. Peking duck
2. Egg type-are good layers.
Ex. Mallard duck ( itik )
3. Dual purpose-raised both for their egg & meat value.
Ex. Muscovy duck (Pato )
Factors in Selecting Breeds of Poultry:
1. Characteristics of breed-resistance to pest and diseases.
2. Age-layers are most productive on the 2nd & 3rd year that they are raised.
3. Vitality-capability of the layer to lay eggs that will become healthy & vigorous chicken.
4. Activity-rise early and roost at night.
5. Sexual character-feminity of Hens and masculinity of Roosters.
6. Conformation- body capacity and built of the Hen.( broad back & long wide flat body)
7. Feathers- layers should have fine closely feathered body & smooth skin.
8. Handling Quality- Hens with loose & pliable skin are good to raise.
Posted by Jessa at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Poultry
LESSON 10-Prospects of Poultry & Livestock Raising
Benefits derived from Farm Animal Production:
1. Poultry production is a potential business opportunity.
2. Swine production provides fast return of investments.
3. Cattle raising does not require much attention.
4. Goat raising is becoming a profitable business.
5. Rabbit raising is gaining popularity because of it's meat & skin.
Ideal Sites for Animal Production:
1. Choose a place that is accessible to markets.
2. Farm must be near roads & market.
3. Availability of good breed, strain of stocks, good quality & reasonably cheap feeds & food supplements.
4. The land must be well drained.
5. There should have enough space for future expansion.
6. Population of the community & future prospects for demand.
Posted by Jessa at 4:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animals
LESSON 9-Harvesting & Marketing
*HARVESTING-the process of collecting produced crops.
Factors to consider before,during & after Harvest:
1. Gather vegetables in the morning.
2. Harvesting should be done with care so as not to damage,bruise or slash any part of the vegetable.
3. Root crops should be washed after they had been harvested.
4. Harvest at the time they are to be sold to maintain the nutritional value & crispiness.
Post-Harvest Handling Processes:
1. Cleaning and washing.
2. Drying-through sun,air & heat.
3. Grading-according to their condition,shape,size,ripeness and color.
4. Storing-preserving the harvest.
Marketing Farm Products:
*Marketing-the process of buying & selling products.
1. Wholesale-sold to direct buyers who pays for all the farm produce at an agreed price.
2. Direct selling to consumers-the farmers produces,transports,sells directly to consumers & collects all the profit from his products.
3. Selling to Cooperatives-farmers form a cooperative & pool their produce.
Posted by Jessa at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Harvesting
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Types of Plant Enemies:
1. Pests & Insects
2 kinds:
a.) Chewing insects-bites -off portion of plants and swallow them up.
b.) Sucking insects- have tube-like sucking mouths used to suck plant juice.
2. Plant Diseases- refers to presence of pathogens & microorganisms in a normal plant & affects the normal functioning of a plant which can be seen through symptoms.
Types of Microorganisms which causes Diseases:
1. Bacteria-tiny living plants that can only be seen through microscope.
2. Fungi-spongy low plant form that grows on or within the tissue of host plant.
Ex. mildew,smuts & molds.
3.Viruses- a group of living microorganisms that causes infectious disease to its host either plant or animal.
4. Nematodes- all kinds of worms that feeds on plants.
Controlling Pest & Diseases:
1. Spray chemicals to kill both pests & infectious disease.
2. Burn infected plants.
3. Practice proper soil management.
4. Treat seeds with heat before planting them.
5.Prepare plants for planting in such a way that soil-borne pathogens are killed.
Safety Precautions in Spraying Chemicals:
1. Read manufacturers directions before using the chemicals.
2. Avoid being contact with chemicals especially the skin & eyes.
3. Avoid inhaling the chemicals.
4. Dispose the empty containers of chemicals properly.Spray cans must be cleaned after use.
Posted by Jessa at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Plant Pests
Soil-the great storehouse of plant food
Fertilizers-are substances such as PNK that increase soil fertility.
3 Major Elements in the soil:
1. Nitrogen(N)-improves the vegetative growth of plants.
2.Phosphorous(P)- hastens plant maturity,strengthens the stems and stimulate the development of fruits.
3.Potassium(K)-strengthens the stem of plants and develop their resistance to plant diseases.
Kinds of Fertilizers:
1. Inorganic Fertilizer-complete or incomplete.
-commercial fertilizer(PNK).
2.Organic Fertilizer-are taken from decayed plants and animal wastes,including manures,leaf mold,hay and similar wastes materials.
Sources of Organic Fertilizer:
1. Animal manure-ex. Guano(bats & bird manure)
2. Green manure-ex. legumes
3. Compost- decomposed manure,plant parts,rice hulls,weeds & other organic matter.
2 Common Methods of Composting:
1. Compost Pit Method- digging a rectangular pit.
2. Compost Heap Method-organic matters are piled on top of eachother until it reaches 1 meter.
Methods of Applying Fertilizers:
1. Band Application-by digging furrows under or beside the plants.
2. Broadcast Method-scattered in the field in all directions by hand or machine.
3. Foliar Application-is done by spraying on the leaves or foliage of the plants.
4.Row Application-by digging furrows under the plants in rows.
Posted by Jessa at 4:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fertilizers
Monday, June 29, 2009
IRRIGATION:-method of supplying adequate water to plants.
Ways of Irrigating Plants:
1. Sprinkle Irrigation-water is supplied to plants using a sprinkler.
2. Surface Irrigation-water is allowed to flow to the soil surface through small canals near slope rows of plants.
3. Drip or tickle Irrigation- water is suplied directly to the roots o the plants in small amounts.
Weeds- unwanted plants.
3 Types of Weeds:
1. Annual Weeds-complete their growth in 1 season.
2. Biennial Weeds-needs 2 season to complete their cycle.
3. Perrenial Weeds-the most difficult to control because they live more than 2 years.
Cultivation-tillage operation on the soil around rows or plots of planted crops.
Posted by Jessa at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Irrigation, Weeding.Cultivation
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lesson 5-"Soil Preparation and Planting"
Land Preparations:
1. Clear the area-by weeding & removing rubbish.
2.Plow the land(pulverize the soil,aerate it and make it hold enough moisture.)
3.Harrowing-level and make the soil finer.
4.Raise beds-for drainage.
Ways of Planting:
1.Direct Seeding-seeds are planted in an areawhere they will be grown until they are ready for harvesting.
2.Indirect seeding-sown in seedbeds and transplanted when they have developed 3 or more leaves.
Rate,Depth and Distance of Planting:
Rate of planting-thickness of seeds in rows(nos.of seeds to be planted in hill)
Depth of planting-determined by the size & structure of the seed,soil & the season of planting.
Distance of planting-amount of space needed by each plant for normal development.
Posted by Jessa at 6:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: Soil