IRRIGATION:-method of supplying adequate water to plants.
Ways of Irrigating Plants:
1. Sprinkle Irrigation-water is supplied to plants using a sprinkler.
2. Surface Irrigation-water is allowed to flow to the soil surface through small canals near slope rows of plants.
3. Drip or tickle Irrigation- water is suplied directly to the roots o the plants in small amounts.
Weeds- unwanted plants.
3 Types of Weeds:
1. Annual Weeds-complete their growth in 1 season.
2. Biennial Weeds-needs 2 season to complete their cycle.
3. Perrenial Weeds-the most difficult to control because they live more than 2 years.
Cultivation-tillage operation on the soil around rows or plots of planted crops.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Posted by Jessa at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Irrigation, Weeding.Cultivation
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lesson 5-"Soil Preparation and Planting"
Land Preparations:
1. Clear the area-by weeding & removing rubbish.
2.Plow the land(pulverize the soil,aerate it and make it hold enough moisture.)
3.Harrowing-level and make the soil finer.
4.Raise beds-for drainage.
Ways of Planting:
1.Direct Seeding-seeds are planted in an areawhere they will be grown until they are ready for harvesting.
2.Indirect seeding-sown in seedbeds and transplanted when they have developed 3 or more leaves.
Rate,Depth and Distance of Planting:
Rate of planting-thickness of seeds in rows(nos.of seeds to be planted in hill)
Depth of planting-determined by the size & structure of the seed,soil & the season of planting.
Distance of planting-amount of space needed by each plant for normal development.
Posted by Jessa at 6:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: Soil