Sunday, July 12, 2009

LESSON 11-Poultry Raising

*Poultry-a collective term for domesticated fowls like chicken,ducks,geese,quails,pigeons and turkeys.

Types of Chicken to raise:
1. Egg type-egg producer.
Ex. White Leghorn
2. Meat type- are grown for their meat value.
Ex. Cobb,Arbor Acres,Hubbard,Vantress & Peterson
3. Dual type- both egg & meat producer.
Ex. Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island, New Hampshire,& Wyandotte.

Types of Ducks to raise:
1. Fancy type-for show or exhibition purposes.
Ex. Peking duck
2. Egg type-are good layers.
Ex. Mallard duck ( itik )
3. Dual purpose-raised both for their egg & meat value.
Ex. Muscovy duck (Pato )

Factors in Selecting Breeds of Poultry:
1. Characteristics of breed-resistance to pest and diseases.
2. Age-layers are most productive on the 2nd & 3rd year that they are raised.
3. Vitality-capability of the layer to lay eggs that will become healthy & vigorous chicken.
4. Activity-rise early and roost at night.
5. Sexual character-feminity of Hens and masculinity of Roosters.
6. Conformation- body capacity and built of the Hen.( broad back & long wide flat body)
7. Feathers- layers should have fine closely feathered body & smooth skin.
8. Handling Quality- Hens with loose & pliable skin are good to raise.