Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lesson 13-Housing Fixtures & Equipment for Animal Production

Types of Shelter:
1. Range type-chickens are left to roam in a wide area.
2. Semi-Confinement-chickens are provided with a yard.
3. Complete Confinement-chickens are confined in a permanent or semi-permanent poultry houses
or sheds.

Equipment & Fixtures for Poultry:
1. Perches or Roost-a hanging fixture made of bamboo or light weight materials.
2. Nest-clean,dry hay or straw.
3. Feeding trough-container made of bamboo or metal for animal feeds.
4. Waterer or drinking troughs-containers made of bamboo tubes,plastic jars or metals for water.
5. Dropping Board-galvanized trays,sacks or newspapers for manure.

Hog Equipment:
1. Portable or built-in concrete feeders for pig foods.
2. Scraper-to scrape hog manure.
3.Pail-to carry water.