Sunday, July 5, 2009


Soil-the great storehouse of plant food
Fertilizers-are substances such as PNK that increase soil fertility.

3 Major Elements in the soil:
1. Nitrogen(N)-improves the vegetative growth of plants.
2.Phosphorous(P)- hastens plant maturity,strengthens the stems and stimulate the development of fruits.
3.Potassium(K)-strengthens the stem of plants and develop their resistance to plant diseases.

Kinds of Fertilizers:
1. Inorganic Fertilizer-complete or incomplete.
-commercial fertilizer(PNK).
2.Organic Fertilizer-are taken from decayed plants and animal wastes,including manures,leaf mold,hay and similar wastes materials.

Sources of Organic Fertilizer:
1. Animal manure-ex. Guano(bats & bird manure)
2. Green manure-ex. legumes
3. Compost- decomposed manure,plant parts,rice hulls,weeds & other organic matter.

2 Common Methods of Composting:
1. Compost Pit Method- digging a rectangular pit.
2. Compost Heap Method-organic matters are piled on top of eachother until it reaches 1 meter.

Methods of Applying Fertilizers:
1. Band Application-by digging furrows under or beside the plants.
2. Broadcast Method-scattered in the field in all directions by hand or machine.
3. Foliar Application-is done by spraying on the leaves or foliage of the plants.
4.Row Application-by digging furrows under the plants in rows.