Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lesson 60-Importance of Nutrition

Nutrition-study of food in relation to health.
Good Nutrition-condition when the person eats the right kind & right amount of food.
Good Health-product of good nutrition.
Malnutrition-lack/excess intake of nutrients.
Importance of Nutrients:
1.Helps in body & brain development.
2.Affects the person's performance,appearance,grpwth & development & relationship to the family & community.
3.Resistance to diseases.
4.Better work performance.
5.Longer & productive life.
Characteristics of A:
Healthy Person
1.Clear & healthy skin
2.Clear eyes
3.Glossy hair
4.Firm & strong muscles
5.Sound teeth
6.Good posture
7.Good appetite
8.Active interest in work
9.Mentally alert
10.Young looking
Malnourished Person
1.Poor eyesight
3.Dry falling hair
4.Weak & deformed bones
5.Looks older than his age
6.Poor eyesight
7.Incomplete teeth
8.Pale dry skin
9.Lack of vigor